Monday, 6 May 2019

Demand Action On Plastic Pollution!

"Right now, we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale. Our greatest threat in thousands of years. Climate Change. If we don’t take action the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon." 
~ Sir David Attenborough 


The UK uses 3.3 million tonnes of plastic each year and around two-thirds of that is sent abroad to countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia with no guarantee that it will be recycled. 
Many of these locations do not have the infrastructure and resources in place to deal with plastic and so it ends up in our oceans.  The government currently has not done enough to proactively investigate the risks to the environment associated with this practice.

According to the Ocean Conservancy, plastic has been found in more than 60% of all seabirds a
nd 100% of sea turtle species.
Ingesting plastic has life-threatening effects on wildlife and ultimately poses a real threat to human health.
The scale of this issue is huge and the UK is contributing to it. 

What YOU can do:

When faced with these statistics and facts it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of this challenge, scared of the crisis we are facing, even suffer from "eco anxiety", but we have undoubtedly seen an unprecedented change in the public consciousness, and there is hope!

Don’t be distracted by the outrage, despondent by the lack of change, instead look for action.  Find an organisation achieving results you can follow, here’s just a few of the ones I support:

There are so many local initiatives taking place which you can get involved with too.  If you can’t find one in your community then start one! Feel empowered to do so. You can be the change! ✊

Here are just a few amazing success stories large and small:

...and that’s just the tip of the iceberg… 

We still have time if we act now! So what else can you do?
Make personal changes to your lifestyle:

Individual efforts are amazing, but we must also look to corporations and the government to make some big changes.

Write to your local MP now and demand that immediate action is taken.
You can make a difference!

Below you can find out who your local MP is and download the letter template, edit accordingly and send.

Send it again, and again, and again - send it every week.  Make your voice heard! You have more influence than you think! 👊😊

Click Here To Find Your Local MP👈
Click Here To Download Letter Template 👈

"Instead of looking for hope, look for action.
Then and only then, hope will come"
~ Greta Thunberg
Thank you.

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